Why Your Living Room Needs a Console Table

Why Your Living Room Needs a Console Table

If your home is lacking style or elegance, perhaps you should buy a console table. Placing one in your house or apartment is an easy way to add style and fill empty spaces for a low price. However, there are many other benefits to owning a console table. Here, we'll take a look at some of the reasons why console tables are becoming one of the hottest pieces of furniture on the market.

First, lets take a look at what a console table is. Basically, a console table is a small, rectangular table that's designed to be placed up against a wall. The designs and styles of console tables vary depending on the manufacturer, but most look like a small, free-standing table. Even if you don't think you know what they are, chances are you've passed by them in someones home or office before.

Having a console table in your house is one of the easiest ways to add elegance and style. A house can look boring and lack-luster if it doesn't fill the huge pockets of empty space with something suitable. A console table is a versatile piece of furniture that can be placed just about anywhere you need to fill an area, which is one of the reasons why many people look to buy them. Oftentimes it's difficult to find something to cover up a hallway wall or walk-in area, but a console table is perfect for these situations.

Even though hallways are where most people choose to place their console tables, they are also ideal for other areas, such as door entrances where people come into your home. I've seen many console tables beautifully displayed immediately as you walk into a home.

You also shouldn't rule out the use of a console table in the living room. Some houses have huge living rooms that look dull and incomplete when they aren't filled with enough furniture. Sure, you throw some extra sofas and recliners in there, but sometimes it's not enough. Console tables can be used practically anywhere, including the living room. Try placing one or two of them against any empty walls to fill the space.

Depending on where you place your console table and the décor around it, you may want to place some plants or pictures on it. Console tables in hallways are perfect for placing eye-catching items like pictures because guests and family members will frequently travel by them. However, people decorate their console tables with just about anything. You can place glass bowls full of fruit, books, paintings or anything else your heart desires. Although it you can't find anything that looks right, just stick with plants and paintings.

Another benefit with console tables is the extra storage they provide. Some of them come with full shelving units built in, while others have sliding drawers. If you want to store you keys, remote controls, books or anything else in them, make sure you find a console table with some storage options.

Apr 26th 2015

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