Why You Should Consider Using a Humidifier During the Winter

Why You Should Consider Using a Humidifier During the Winter

What's the humidity like in your home? Even if it's a moderate 40% to 60% during the summer, it may be lower during the winter months. Indoor humidity levels are typically lower during the winter because of the cold air. Cold air is denser than warm air, so it holds less moisture. By installing a humidifier, however, you can increase your home's humidity level. A humidifier can offer several benefits when used during the winter, some of which include the following.

Protection From Dry Skin

You'll be less likely to experience dry skin if you use a humidifier. Dry skin is a common condition from which millions of people suffer. Some reports suggest that nearly 60% of all women and 50% of all men regularly experience dry skin. If you fall under this category, a humidifier may offer a solution. It will increase the amount of moisture vapor inside of your home, which in turn will moisturize your skin.

Lower Risk of Allergies

 A humidifier can lower your risk of allergies during the winter. Allergies, of course, aren't limited to the spring months. They can occur during all months of the year. During the winter, you may experience allergies when exposed to indoor mold or dust. A humidifier can lower your risk of allergies such as these. With more moisture vapor in the air, allergens like mold and dust won't be able to travel as easily.

Cleaner Air

For cleaner air, look no further than a humidifier. Statistics show that the air inside of most homes, as well as other buildings, is roughly five times more polluted than outdoor air. And during the winter, you'll probably be spending a lot of time indoors. A humidifier promotes cleaner air by trapping debris. The extra moisture vapor in the air will prevent debris from moving from around your home.

Better Sleep

You might be surprised to learn that a humidifier can help you get a better night's sleep. Indoor humidity levels are typically the lowest during the winter as opposed to other seasons. And with low humidity, you may experience nasal congestion or other related symptoms that make it difficult to fall asleep. A humidifier will eliminate these issues so that you can fall asleep and stay asleep more easily.

Humidifiers are devices that release moisture vapor into the air. You can use them year-round. Because air is typically drier during the winter, though, a humidifier is particularly beneficial during the winter. It can protect you from dry skin, lower your risk of allergies, promote cleaner air and help you get a better night's sleep.

Dec 7th 2021

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