Why You Can't Ignore Leaky Air Ducts in the Workplace

Why You Can't Ignore Leaky Air Ducts in the Workplace

Does your workplace have leaky air ducts? Air ducts are an essential component of a commercial heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system. Consist of hollow tube-like conduits, they are used to distribute the conditioned air throughout the building in which are installed. But air ducts can leak. Neglecting to fix your workplace's leaky air ducts can lead to the following problems.

Higher Heating and Cooling Costs

You can expect to pay more in heating and cooling costs if your workplace has leaky air ducts. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), nearly one-third of the conditioned air produced by HVAC systems is lost through air duct leaks. If the air ducts in your workplace are leaking, you'll inevitably lose conditioned air. This means you'll have to pay more in utility bills to heat and cool your workplace.

Increased Indoor Air Pollution

One of the biggest problems associated with leaky air ducts is increased indoor air pollution. Buildings and other indoor commercial workspaces often have airborne pollutants -- just like most residential homes. But neglecting to fix leaky air ducts will result in higher levels of indoor air pollution.

Properly sealed air ducts minimize indoor air pollution. After being conditioned by the HVAC system, air will pass through a filter. The filtered and conditioned air will then enter the air ducts. Leaky air ducts may result in dirty, unfiltered air entering the ductwork.

HVAC Damage

Leaky air ducts can cause damage to your workplace's HVAC system and its components. They will place an extra strain on the HVAC system, leading to increased wear and tear, reduced efficiency and potential system failure.

Humidity Problems

In addition to indoor air pollution, air duct leaks can cause humidity problems. Humidity is a measurement of moisture vapor in the surrounding air. There's usually at least some moisture vapor present in the air. Too much moisture vapor, though, indicates a high humidity level.

To regulate the humidity level in your workplace, you need to fix the leaky air ducts. Leaky air ducts promote humidity. Your workplace's HVAC system won't be able to dehumidify the air if the ducts are leaky. 

Airflow Imbalance

Another problem associated with leaky air ducts is airflow imbalance. Leaky air ducts can cause air to be distributed unevenly throughout your workplace. Some of the rooms or spaces in your workplace may have a comfortable temperature, whereas others will be too cold during the winter or too hot during the summer.

Feb 7th 2023

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