Why Are Viral Infections Most Common During the Winter?

Why Are Viral Infections Most Common During the Winter?

It's no secret that viral infections are most common during the winter. While you can catch a cold or flu virus during any time of the year, your risk of infection is the greatest during the winter. Being that viruses are present at all times, you might be wondering why infections are most common during this time of year.

Less Sun Exposure

You probably won't get as much sun exposure during the winter, which can subsequently make you more susceptible to viral infections. Sunlight is the catalyst for vitamin D. When exposed to sunlight, your body will produce more vitamin D. Along with promoting strong bones, vitamin D wards off infection by improving your body's immune system. If you have low levels of vitamin D, your immune system may struggle to protect against viral infections.

More Time Indoors

Another reason viral infections are most common during the winter is because of increased time indoors. Winter, of course, is the coldest season of the year. When the winter arrives, many people stay cooped upside their home or workplace where they can stay warm.

What's wrong with spending time indoors? Well, as previously mentioned, you need sunlight for vitamin D. You won't get much sunlight if you spend most or all of your time indoors. Additionally, you'll probably be in close proximity to other individuals when indoors, some of whom may be suffering from a viral infection.

Dry Air

Some experts believe that dry air contributes to viral infections during the winter. The air is typically drier during the winter than other seasons of the year. When the temperature of air drops, so does the amount of moisture vapor it holds.

It's believed that germs, including viruses, can travel through dry air more easily than they can moist and humid air. As a result, the risk of infection is the greatest during the winter. The dry air increases transmission rates, allowing viruses and other germs to easily find new hosts.

Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise often contributes to viral infections during the winter. Studies have shown that people who regularly exercise are less likely to suffer from infection than their counterparts who don't exercise. Exercise promotes the release of hormones and chemicals, some of which may strengthen the immune system.

Unfortunately, many people get little or no exercise during the winter. They postpone their exercise regimen until the weather warms.

Dec 16th 2020

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