What Are Full-Brim Hard Hats?

What Are Full-Brim Hard Hats?

When shopping for hard hats, you may come across full-brim hard hats. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that over 68,000 workers sustain a head injury in any given year. Some head injuries are minor, but others are more severe. Full-brim hard hats are designed to protect workers from head injuries. What are full-brim hard hats exactly, and how do they differ from other hard hats?

Overview of Full-Brim Hard Hats

Full-brim hard hats are a form of personal protective equipment (PPE). They are hard hats that feature a brim that extends all around the hat, providing additional protection to the face, neck and ears. You can find them in different materials and styles. Nonetheless, all full-brim hard hats feature a complete brim. 

The brim is designed to protect workers from head injuries, including injuries involving falling objects or debris. It will shield workers' heads. In many industries, workers are required to wear hard hats. Industries such as construction and manufacturing, for instance, often require certain workers to wear them.

How Full-Brim Hard Hats Differ From Other Hard Hats

While all hard hats are designed to protect workers from head injuries, only full-brim hard hats feature a complete brim that wraps all the way around them. Other hard hats feature a partial brim.

The brim, of course, is a lip-like protrusion. It's found at the bottom of a hard hat. On full-brim hard hats, the brim wraps all the way around. On other hard hats, the brim is typically only found in the front. Other hard hats feature a partial brim that only protrudes out the front.

Benefits of Full-Brim Hard Hats

Full-brim hard hats offer better protection against head injuries than other hard hats. As previously mentioned, they feature a complete brim. The brim wraps all the way around them while subsequently providing greater coverage and protection against head injuries.

Full-brim hard hats are made of strong, durable materials. High-density polyethylene (PE) is a common material in which they are made. PE full-brim hard hats can withstand blunt forces without cracking or otherwise failing.

Many full-brim hard hats have suspension systems inside to distribute the weight evenly. This end result is a more comfortable fit, even when worn for an extended wear. Full-brim hard hats also often have slots for attaching accessories such as ear protection, lights and chin straps for added safety.

Jan 30th 2023

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