Tomato Supplements May Protect Against Heart Disease

Tomato Supplements May Protect Against Heart Disease

Even with all of the recent advancements in health and medicine, heart disease remains the number one cause of death in both men and women. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 600,000 people in the U.S. die from heart disease each year. A recent study, however, has found a link between the tomato pill supplements (yes, there are tomato supplements) and lower rates of cardiovascular disease.

Researchers at Cambridge University performed a small trial involving 72 participants, some of whom were given the tomato supplement and others were given a placebo. To preserve the integrity of the study, neither the researchers nor the participants were told who received the tomato supplement and who received the placebo. 36 of the study's participants suffered from heart disease and the other 36 were considered in good "general" health.

The participants who suffered from heart disease experienced a 53% increase in blood vessel size after taking the tomato supplement daily for two months. Larger blood vessels, in turn, greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by promoting healthy blood flow. When blood is able to flow more freely, there's less obstruction and less risk of stroke and heart attack.

The tomato supplement wasn't exactly a pill containing the extract of the red-colored fruit. Instead, researchers used Ateronon -- a supplement containing the powerful antioxidant lycopene which is commonly found in tomatoes.

Researchers believe the widening blood vessels was caused by the lycopene's effect on the inner wall known as the endothelium. Lycopene is said to be ten times more powerful than Vitamin E, which is one of the reasons why olive oil (which is high in lycopene) is commonly associated with good health. This study reveals lycopene's ability to widen the blood vessels; thus, lowering a person's risk of cardiovascular disease.

With that said, it remains unclear exactly how lycopene is able to widen the blood vessel.

"A daily 'tomato pill' is not a substitute for other treatments, but may provide added benefits when taken alongside other medication. However, we cannot answer if this may reduce heart disease - this would need much larger trials to investigate outcomes more carefully," said Lead scientist Dr Joseph Cheriyan of Cambridge University.

Does this mean taking a tomato supplement is going to completely protect you  against heart disease? Probably not, but this is still a note-worth study that reveals some heart-healthy benefits in an unlikely place -- tomatoes.

Jun 11th 2014 Safety Jane

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