The PASS Method on How to Use Fire Extinguishers

The PASS Method on How to Use Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can protect against indoor fires as well as fire-related injuries like burns and smoke inhalation. As you know, they are designed to put out small fires. Most fire extinguishers feature a nozzle that and a handle. Pulling the handle will release a fire-suppressing liquid or substance out of the nozzle.

Of course, maintaining fire extinguishers in your home or place of business is only beneficial if you know how to use them. Many people invest in fire extinguishers, only to never learn how to use them. While there are different types of fire extinguishers, you can use most of them by following the PASS method.

What Is the PASS Method?

The PASS method is designed to simplify the process of using a fire extinguisher. It refers to pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.

Time is of the essence during a fire. The longer it takes you to put out the fire, the greater the risk of it spreading and causing injury. Fortunately, you don't have to search for an instruction booklet. You can use a fire extinguisher by following the PASS method. It breaks down the process of using a fire extinguisher into four simple steps.

Tips on Using the PASS Method

The PASS method begins with pulling. Most fire extinguishers are equipped with a pin. The pin is designed to protect against accidental discharge. As long as the pin is inserted, you won't be able to use the fire extinguisher. Therefore, the first step in the PASS method is pulling the pin.

After pulling the pin, you'll need to aim the fire extinguisher. Don't just aim randomly at the fire. Instead, focus on the base of the fire. If you aim too high, you may struggle to put out the fire. Aiming at the base will prove more effective.

With the fire extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire, you can proceed to squeeze the handle. Most fire extinguishers have a handle. Squeezing the handle, of course, will release the fire-suppressing liquid or substance out of the nozzle -- assuming the pin has been removed.

The fourth and final step in the PASS method is sweeping. Rather than holding the fire extinguisher in the same area, you should sweep it. Sweeping involves moving the fire extinguisher from side to side. By sweeping the fire extinguisher, you'll essentially cover more of the base of the fire.

Mar 21st 2022

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