The Health Benefits of Nuts

The Health Benefits of Nuts

In case you didn't get the memo, today (October 22nd) is National Nut Day. This special day lives up to its namesake by celebrating this delightful, delicious, and nutritious food. So in honor of National Nut Day, we're going to take a closer look at some of the health benefits associated with nuts. While you may already know some of them, chances are others will surprise you.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

With heart disease being the leading cause of death among men and women and the United States, this is one benefit of nuts that cannot be overlooked. According to several studies cited by Harvard University School of Public Health, including the Adventist Study, ,the Iowa Women’s Health Study, the Nurses’ Health Study, and the Physicians’ Health Study, people who consume nuts on a regular basis have a 30-50% reduces risk of heart disease. The report adds by saying that the FDA now allows some nuts to display the following label: "Eating a diet that includes one ounce of nuts daily can reduce your risk of heart disease."

Promotes a Healthy Weight

The nutritional label on most cans of nuts is somewhat misleading. With a high calorie and fat content, you may assume nuts will promote weight gain, but this isn't the case. On the contrary, nuts will actually promote a healthy weight. Several studies have found that people who consume nuts on a regular basis have an easier time managing their weight.


Another key benefit associated with nuts is their high fiber content. We all know the importance of getting plenty of fiber in our diets. It works as a broom for the digestive system, flushing out waste and cleaning your digestive tract. So, just how much fiber is packed into nuts? A one-cup serving of mixed nuts contains upwards of 9 grams of fiber, which is just over one third of the daily recommendation for adults.


Nuts are also packed with protein, which is essential to proper muscle growth and development. A one-cup serving of mixed nuts is packed with 27 grams of protein, which is roughly the equivalent of a small-to-mid sized piece of chicken. Assuming you eat just one cup of mixed nuts per day, that's a pretty hefty amount of protein being added to your diet.

These are just a few of the many reasons why nuts should be a part of your normal diet. It's important to note that you don't have to eat them plain. If you aren't a fan of the crunchy texture, try eating more peanut butter. Alternatively, you can mix them into various dishes and smoothies.

Oct 22nd 2015

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