The Dos and Don'ts of Using a Hand Truck

The Dos and Don'ts of Using a Hand Truck

Hand trucks are commonly used in the workplace. Also known as dollies, they consist of a wheeled L-shaped cart with a flat bottom. You can place items on this flat bottom, after which you can roll the hand truck. With a hand truck, moving heavy objects is a breeze. However, there are several things you should and shouldn't do when using a hand truck.

Do Stack Objects Based on Size

If you're going to use a hand truck to transport multiple objects at once, you should stack them according to size. Don't place the smallest object on the bottom of the hand truck. Instead, start with the largest object and work your way to the smallest object. Stacking objects from the largest to the smallest size will stabilize them so that they don't fall over while you push the hand truck.

Don't Pull

You should typically avoid pulling hand trucks. If you pull a hand truck, you'll have to walk backwards. Of course, it's difficult to see where you are going when walking backwards. You may inadvertently lose your fitting, resulting in a trip-and-fall accident. Rather than pulling the hand truck, push it forward. Pushing means you'll be able to see what's in front of you at all times.

Do Inspect the Wheels

Before using a hand truck, take a few minutes to inspect the wheels. All hand trucks have wheels. Some of them have two wheels, whereas others have four or more wheels. Regardless, you should inspect the wheels to ensure they are properly inflated. Blown or otherwise underinflated wheels may shift the hand truck's center of gravity. The weight of the objects will move in the direction of the underinflated wheel or wheels. Therefore, you should inspect the wheels before using a hand truck.

Don't Stack Higher Than the Frame

Another mistake to avoid when using a hand truck is stacking objects higher than the frame. Hand trucks have an L-shaped frame. You can stack objects on the bottom of this frame. With that said, you should avoid stacking them higher than the frame itself. Any objects that extend over the top of the frame may fall when you push the hand truck.

Do Grip With Both Hands

When pushing a hand truck, grip the handles with both hands. Hand trucks have two handles. While you might be able to push a hand truck using just one hand, this isn't recommended. Gripping it with two hands will allow you to push it more evenly while minimizing the risk of an accident in the process.

Oct 27th 2021

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