Anti-Fatigue Mats In The Workplace
Each year, millions of employees are injured on the job. Some of these injuries may include slip-and-falls, burns, cuts, bruises, overexertion, strained muscles and a variety of foot problems. While there's no way to completely prevent all forms of accidents from occurring, there are precautions companies can take to improve the safety of their workplace. Using anti-fatigue mats is just one of the many ways companies and businesses can reduce the chance of a work-related accident.What Is an Anti
Feb 5th 2014
OSHA Launches New Website For Hospital Staff Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently launched a new website designated strictly for work-related injuries in hospitals and other care facilities. Most people don't think of hospitals as being a hazardous workplace. However, the OSHA claims that 253,700 hospital injuries occurred in 2011, which is nearly twice the injury rate as other private industries.The OSHA hopes to improve these numbers with the launch of their new website,
Jan 29th 2014
Portable Circular Saw Safety Tips
Portable circular saws (PCS) are used in homes, garages, workshops and factories to perform a wide variety of tasks. Their high-powered blade can cut through wood like a hot knife going through butter. However, it's important for operators to follow some basic safety precautions to help reduce the chance of injury. When used incorrectly, PCS's leave the operator vulnerable to severe cuts and lacerations. Even with a blade guard intact (all PCS's should feature them), there's still the possibilit
Jan 23rd 2014