Understanding Loss Prevention In The Retail Industry
When you're busying running and managing a retail store or business, it's easy to overlook the importance of loss prevention. The fact is, however, that loss prevention directly affects companies' profits. Allowing your products to become damaged, stolen or otherwise “lost,” will only cut into your company's profits, which is why this issue must be addressed. In this post, we're going to cover the basics of retail loss prevention, revealing some important tips on how to maximize your store's pro
Dec 28th 2014
5 Ways To Encourage Better Safety In The Workplace
The cost of on-the-job injuries can place a heavy financial burden on companies. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA), U.S. businesses spend $170 billion on injuries and illness.Taking the initiative to create a safe working environment can reduce these costs by 20-40%. But how exactly do you encourage better safety in the workplace?#1) Offer IncentivesOffering incentives to employees is a simple yet highly effective way to encourage better safety. The trucking i
Mar 25th 2014
How To Promote Better Safety In The Workplace
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLR), there are approximately 3 million nonfatal work-related injuries reported to employers each year. And this doesn't even account for injuries which aren't reported to employers. Work-related injuries harm businesses in a number of different ways, some of which includes a general loss of productivity, higher insurance premiums, reduced employee morale, medical expenses, lost wages, and legal fees. While there's no way to fully prevent 100% of acci
Nov 18th 2013