Study Reveals Most Common Work-Related Injuries in UK

Study Reveals Most Common Work-Related Injuries in UK

A new study has revealed the most common types of work-related injured sustained by workers in the United Kingdom. In its report titled "Workplace Fatal Injuries in Great Britain," the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) -- the U.K.'s version of OSHA -- revealed that falling from heights was the country's leading cause of worker injured. According to the HSE, more workers were injured from falling from an elevated surface than any other reason.

Falls from an elevated surface are concerning because they typically cause more severe and serious injuries than falls from the same level. When a worker falls from a roof, scaffolding or other elevated surface, he or she may sustain broken bones, lacerations and other serious injuries. This is why the HSE has safety guidelines with which employers must comply when workers work on elevated surface.

It's not just workers in the United Kingdom who are susceptible to injury from falls. In the United States, falls consistently rank as one of the most common causes of work-related injury. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), about 5% of all work-related fatalities on the job are attributed to falling.

Employers can protect workers from falls, however, by implementing some basic safeguards. First, all workers should be given the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Depending on the job, this may include a hard hat, reflective vest and impact-resistant eyewear. Second, if a worker is working from an elevated surface, he or she should also use a fall protection system, such as a harness. Third, workers should maintain clean and tidy working spaces that are free of debris and obstruction. If a worker trips on a tool, he or she may fall and sustain injury.

The HSE also said that construction has the highest injury rate of any industry. Of course, the U.S. construction industry also has a high rate of injury when compared to other industries. Each year, thousands of construction workers in the United States are injured. The BLS also says that hundreds of construction workers are killed on the job each year.

The bottom line is that statistics for work-related injury in the United States and the United Kingdom are pretty much the same. Construction is ranked as one of the most hazardous injuries, while the leading cause of injury is falls. The good news is that most work-related injuries are preventable when the appropriate precautions are taken.

Jul 23rd 2018

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