Study: Omega-3s From Fish Are Better Than Flaxseed

Study: Omega-3s From Fish Are Better Than Flaxseed

Think all omega-3 fatty acids offer the same health benefits? Think again. A new study has found that omega-3s from fish are more effective at preventing cancer than those from flaxseed.

As you may already know, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial compounds found in food that support healthy cognitive function as well as balancing cholesterol levels in the blood. Our bodies can't produce them, however, so we must consume them from food or supplements. There are three specific types of omega-3s: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While they all have similar effects, there are subtle nuances regarding the way in which our bodies process and utilize them.

According to this latest study, omega-3s found in fish offer greater health benefits than those found in flaxseed and other plant-based sources. Researchers specifically say that fish-based omega-3s are up to 800% more effective at inhibiting the development and growth of cancerous tumors.

For the study, researchers fed different types of omega-3s -- ALA, EPA and DHA -- to mice with the HER2-positive cancerous tumors. The mice that were fed fish-based omega-3s like EPA and DHA experienced a 60% to 70% reduction in tumor size, whereas mice fed the plant-based ALAs experienced lesser effects.

When speaking about the study, researchers explain that this is the first study that compared the potency of plant versus fish-based omega-3s on tumor development.

"This study is the first to compare the cancer-fighting potency of plant- versus marine-derived omega-3s on breast tumor development,” said the study's lead author and researcher in a press release. “There is evidence that both omega-3s from plants and marine sources are protective against cancer and we wanted to determine which form is more effective.”

So, what should you take away from this study? Regardless of source, all omega-3s offer some level of health benefits. However, those sourced from fish are more effective at protecting against cancer than those found in flaxseed and plants. Therefore, it's best to focus your intake of omega-3s around fish. Some of the top fish-based sources of omega-3s include salmon, tuna, tilapia, grouper, flounder.

Of course, there are other reasons to include fish in your diet, such as its high protein content. Fish is an excellent source of lean protein -- and that's something you won't find in most land-based meats like beef and pork.

This study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Mar 13th 2018

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