Study: Eating Yogurt May Protect Against Chronic Inflammation

Study: Eating Yogurt May Protect Against Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a serious condition that can damage organs and increase the risk of diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, arthritis and even various skin conditions. However, a new study has found that eating yogurt may protect the body from chronic inflammation.

About the Study

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, yogurt improves the intestinal lining while simultaneously preventing pro-inflammatory compounds from being released into the blood. The culmination of these effects means less inflammation in the body.

For the study, medical researchers recruited 120 women and separated them into one of two groups. One group of participants was asked to consume 12 ounces of yogurt daily for nine weeks, while the other group was asked to consume non-dairy pudding for the same duration. At the end of the study, researchers analyzed the results, concluding that participants in the yogurt group had lower bodily inflammation than their counterparts in the control group.

"Eating eight ounces of low-fat yogurt before a meal is a feasible strategy to improve post-meal metabolism and thus may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases," said one of the study's researchers. "The goal is to identify the components and then get human evidence to support their mechanism of action in the body. That's the direction we are going," he added.

Tips for Preventing Chronic Inflammation

Of course, there are other ways to prevent and control inflammation in the body. Eating more omega-3s, for example, has been shown to protect against inflammation. Omega-3s, such as those found in fish and olive oil, have a natural anti-inflammatory effect. When consumed, they work to reduce inflammation in the body. Keep in mind, however, that not all fats have this effect. Omega-6s, for instance, have the opposite effect by triggering and promoting inflammation in the body. Therefore, you should increase your intake of omega-3s and decrease your intake of omega-6s.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can further protect you from chronic inflammation. Our bodies often respond to the presence of harmful chemicals and compounds by attacking them with inflammation. This is the fundamental way in which our immune system works. Fruits and vegetables can help by neutralizing these same harmful chemicals and compounds with natural antioxidants. You see, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals, preventing them from triggering an inflammatory effect in the body.

Aug 20th 2018

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