Study: Eating Nuts May Curb Obesity and Weight Gain

Study: Eating Nuts May Curb Obesity and Weight Gain

Statistics show roughly 40% of the U.S. adult population is overweight, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With obesity on the rise, health experts across the world are urging the public to take the necessary steps to maintain a healthy weight. Among other weights, obesity has been linked to heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and even depression. And while there's no substitution for regular exercise, a new study has found that people who eat nuts are less likely to become overweight or obese than their counterparts who don't eat nuts.

According to a study published in the medical journal BMJ Nutrition, eating nuts may curb weight gain. For the study, researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed the health and diet data of over 130,000 men and women. All of the study's participants didn't have any chronic diseases prior to the start of the study. At four-year intervals, participants were asked to complete a survey regarding their health and diets.

So, what did researchers discover from the study? They found a correlation between the consumption of nuts and the risk of obesity. More specifically, for every additional half-serving of nuts a participant consumed during the study, his or her risk of gaining 2 or more kilograms increased. Furthermore, researchers found that for each half-serving of walnuts a participant consumed, his or her risk of obesity was reduced by 15%.

You might be wondering why or how nuts can protect against obesity. Well, the study only found a correlation between nuts and a lower risk of obesity; it didn't cause causation. Nonetheless, there are a few plausible theories regarding the weight management benefits of nuts.

First and foremost, nuts contain high concentrations of good fats. Known as unsaturated fats, they've been shown to promote a healthy cardiovascular system by regulating blood pressure levels. While the most notable benefit of healthy fats is a lower risk of heart disease, some experts believe they could protect against obesity and excessive weight gain as well.

Nuts also curb hunger cravings. It's important to note that nuts, whether almonds, walnuts, peanuts or any other variety, typically contain a lot of calories. Don't let that fool you into thinking nuts will make you gain weight, however. They can actually help you maintain a healthy weight by curbing hunger cravings.

Sep 25th 2019

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