Space Heaters Need Space! Safety Tips For Using a Space Heater

Space Heaters Need Space! Safety Tips For Using a Space Heater

With the temperatures continuing to drop throughout the country, many families are pulling out their space heaters to stay warm. They offer a convenient and energy-efficient alternative to central heating, but they can also result in house fires. The National Fire Protection Association (NFA) estimates that nearly 32% of all home heating fires are caused from space heaters. Following the adage -- Space Heaters Need Space! -- is one tip to reduce your chance of starting a fire, but there are several other things homeowners should know before using this devices.

Three Feet In Directions

A good rule of thumb is to give your space heater three feet of clearance in all directions to help reduce the chance of starting a fire. Some people may shove their space heater right against the bed for more warmth; however, doing this may inadvertently start a fire. The excessive heat produced by the device can catch comforters and bed linens on fire. Just to be on the safe side, give your space heater a minimum of 3 feet clearance in all directions.

Keep It On The Floor

Another important safety tip is to keep your space heater on the floor. Regardless of its size and design, space heaters should only be used on the floor. Don't stack them on top of books, place them on chairs or tables, or use them on the counter. If the device is knocked over, the heating element could face the carpet or some other combustible surface.

Space Heater Cord Safety 101

Before using a space heater, perform a visual inspection of the cable to ensure it's not damaged in any way. If part of the insulation is stripped, twisted or otherwise damaged, discontinue use until you've consulted with a professional electrician. Also, cords should never be run underneath the carpet, rug or blankets.

Never Run Unattended

One of the most important safety tips for using a space heater is to never leave it running unattended. If you're about to leave the house or room, even if it's for a quick 10 minutes, turn the space heater. The same goes for sleeping at night; make sure it's turned off before closing your eyes. After all, it only takes a couple of seconds for a house fire to start.

Space heaters are an excellent way to warm your home without relying on central heating, but they can also result in fires when used improperly.

Nov 24th 2013 Safety Jane

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