Simple Ways To Boost Your Productivity

Simple Ways To Boost Your Productivity

How much work do you get done in a typical day? Regardless of your answer, there's always room for improvement. So today we're going to reveal a few top tips to improve your productivity.

Check Email Less Frequently

Email has revolutionized the way we communicate and do business. Rather than waiting days for "snail mail" to arrive, you can instantly send messages and documents to the intended party with the click of a button. However, some people take their email to the extreme, checking it dozens of times per day. If this sounds familiar, try cutting back by checking your email once in the morning, once mid-day, and a third time during the evening.

Wake Up Earlier

Studies have shown that people who wake up early in the morning get more work done than their sleep-in counterparts. Of course, this should come as little-to-no surprise since waking up early gives you more time -- time that can be used to work. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to wake up at 3:45 AM like Apple CEO Tim Cook, but try setting your alarm for half an hour earlier than normal to see what kind of an effect it has on your productivity.

Make (and follow) a Daily Schedule

Another helpful way to boost productivity is to create a daily schedule, outlining each and every task along with an allocated amount of time. You don't have to create some fancy document, as a basic calender or even a sticky note will suffice. The bottom line is that you need some type of layout of your daily routine along with a time frame for your intended tasks.

Avoid Social Media

Social media constantly ranks as one of the biggest distractions in the workplace, and for good reason: workers often get sucked into Facebook and Twitter, spending hours doing non-work related tasks. All of this time spent on social media could be used for other, more productive tasks. Employers can take steps to discourage the use of social media, such as installing programs or apps that place time limits on Facebook, or apps that block social media sites altogether.

Jun 23rd 2015

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