Simple Tips To Promote Worker Safety

Simple Tips To Promote Worker Safety

Worker safety should be a top priority for all business owners. When a worker sustains an injury, it may end up costing the company in several different ways. First, the worker will likely have to receive medical treatment, for which the employer is responsible paying. Secondly, the employer will have to find a replacement worker to fill his or her shoes, which takes additional time and resources. But the good news is that most cases of work-related injury and illness can be avoided by following some simple steps.

Identify Potential Hazards

One of the first steps in creating a safe workplace is to identify potential hazards. Ask yourself, which areas pose the greatest risk to workers' health and safety? This may include areas in which heavy machinery is present, areas in which chemicals are stored, etc. Being that each and every workplace is unique, you'll have to perform an independent inspection of your workplace to identify potential hazards. Using this information, you can implement changes to reduces the risk of worker injury and illness.

Provide PPE To Workers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that it's the employer's responsibility to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers. Failure to provide the necessary tools and equipment for workers to stay safe could result in a fine, which is something no employer wants to see happen. If a worker needs a pair of impact-resistant goggles to perform a specific job task, you must provide it for them. Of course, this is just one example of PPE being used in the workplace. Other examples of PPE may include steel-toed boots, ear plugs, kevlar-lined gloves, etc.

Keep Records

Proper record keeping plays a key role in the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses. If you don't know how many workers or being injured, or what's causing/contributing to those injuries, you won't be able to prevent them. The bottom line is that employers need to keep proper, up-to-date records on injuries and illnesses. Not only is this helpful for promoting a safe workplace, but it's also a requirement by OSHA.

Toolbox Talks

Another simple way to promote a safe workplace is to hold Toolbox Talks. What exactly is a Toolbox Talk. It's basically a discussion between the employer and workers about a specific safety-related topic. If your business uses forklifts, for instance, you may want to discuss the potential hazards associated with improper forklift use and how to avoid them.

Jun 4th 2015

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