Seasonal Allergies: 6 Tips to Beat the Pollen and Improve Your Health

Seasonal Allergies: 6 Tips to Beat the Pollen and Improve Your Health

Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies. It typically occurs during the spring when flowers and trees release pollen. If you're allergic to pollen, you may experience allergy symptoms such as a runny eye, red eyes, itching and malaise. You can beat the pollen this spring season, however, by following these tips.

#1) Leave Your Shoes at the Door

Avoid wearing your shoes inside your home. When you walk outside, pollen -- as well as other debris -- will stick to the bottom of your shoes. If you don't take your shoes off when entering, you'll bring this allergy-inducing pollen into your home.

#2) Dry Clothes Indoors

While hanging your clothes outdoors on a line to dry will leave them smelling nice and fresh, it could trigger an allergy attack. As they dry outdoors, your clothes will accumulate pollen. So, the next time you wear them, you'll be directly exposed to pollen. Rather than drying your clothes outdoors on a line, dry them somewhere inside your home.

#3) Wait for a Spring Shower to Cut the Grass

You shouldn't cut the grass when it's raining. You should, however, cut it within 24 to 48 hours of a light spring shower. A light shower will coat your lawn with water, which in turn helps to control the pollen.

#4) Don't Touch Your Face

Another tip beat the pollen is to avoid touching your face. Anytime you touch your face there's a chance that you'll transfer pollen to your nose, mouth or eyes, any of which can trigger an allergy attack.

#5) Bathe Before Bedtime

Rather than bathing during the morning, consider bathing in the evening before going to bed. Bathing before bedtime ensures that all -- or at least most -- of the pollen is removed from your body. If you go to bed with pollen covering your skin, you could wake up the following morning with an allergy attack.

#6) Increase Intake of Probiotics

Adding more probiotics to your diet can help you overcome allergies this spring season. Probiotics are good bacteria and yeast that support a healthy digestive system and, more importantly, a healthy immune system. They'll help your body's immune system react in a more appropriate way to pollen. Allergies as essentially an overreaction by the immune system. You can regulate your body's immune system, however, by consuming more probiotics.

Apr 27th 2020

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