Safety Tips to Follow When Using Extension Cords

Safety Tips to Follow When Using Extension Cords

Electrocution remains one of the leading causes of work-related injury and fatalities in the United States. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found electrocution to be the second leading cause of death among construction workers in 2014, followed only by falls. Electrocution can occur whenever there's a live "hot" wire, including the use of extension cords. Today, we're going to reveal some essential safety tips on how to use extension cords without exposing yourself to electrocution.

Don't Cover Extension Cords

When an extension cord is used, it often creates a trip-and-fall hazard. As such, some workers may cover their extension cords with rugs to reduce the risk of a trip and fall. While this may protect against falls, however, it increases the risk of an electrical fire. Extension cords should never be covered, regardless of where they are used.

Inspect Extension Cords for Damage

It's a good idea to routinely check extension cords for worn shielding, frayed wires or other forms of damage. Even if it still works, you shouldn't use a damaged extension cord. Either have it professionally repaired or replace it with a new one to reduce the risk of electrocution and fire.

Outdoor Use

If you intend to use an extension cord outside, make sure it's rated for outdoor use. Indoor extension cords lack the necessary shielding to be safely used in outdoor environments.

Don't Run Extension Cords Through Ceilings or Walls

This is pretty self-explanatory: you should never attempt run an extension cord through a ceiling or wall. Electricity flowing through the extension cord could spark a fire, so only use them on exposed, bare ground.

Don't Unplug by Pulling

Sure, it's probably easier to unplug an extension cord by pulling it, but doing so could damage the prongs, making it unsafe for future use. When you no longer need the extension cord and wish to remove it, pull it from the base of the outlet instead of just tugging the cord.

Don't Alter Plugs

Another safety tip to follow when using an extension cord is never alter the plugs. If you have a three-prong cord, for instance, and want to use it in an extension cord with only two prongs, do not remove any of the prongs.

May 10th 2016

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