Research Shows Vitamin A May Protect Against Skin Cancer

Research Shows Vitamin A May Protect Against Skin Cancer

Nearly 10,000 Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. While the mortality rate of skin cancer is generally lower than with other types of cancers, it's still a troublesome medical condition. The good news is that there are ways to protect against skin cancer, one of which is to wear high-SPF sunscreen when outdoors. Additionally, new research has found that vitamin A may lower the risk of skin cancer.

What Is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that supports healthy growth and development as well as eyesight and immune system functionality. There are two specific types of vitamin A: retinol and carotenes. Although there are nuances between them, they are all used by the human body for the aforementioned purposes. And like all vitamins, vitamin A is an essential nutrient that everyone needs in their diet.

Study Links Vitamin A to Lower Risk of Skin Cancer

According to a study conducted by researchers from several different universities and health institutions, vitamin A can protect against a specific type of skin cancer known as cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. For the study, researchers followed over a half-million men and women in the United States for 26 years. After analyzing rates of skin cancer and vitamin A intake, researchers concluded that participants who consumed a high level of vitamin A were less likely to develop skin cancer than participants who consumed a low level of vitamin A.

This study was published in the medical journal JAMA Dermatology.

How to Include More Vitamin A in Your Diet

To reap the benefits of vitamin A, including a potentially lower risk of skin cancer, you must reevaluate your diet to ensure it contains the right foods. Vitamin is available in supplements, but most health experts will agree that it's better to get vitamin A from natural foods rather than a supplement.

Retinol, the most common type of vitamin A, is found in a variety of animal-based foods and beverages, some of which include eggs, milk and liver. With that said, you can also find vitamin A in vegetables such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots and spinach. By adding more of these foods to your diet, you can rest assured knowing that you are getting a sufficient amount of vitamin A.

Aug 5th 2019

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