Quick Fixes to Improve the Air Quality in Your Workplace

Quick Fixes to Improve the Air Quality in Your Workplace

Does your workplace suffer from high levels of air pollution? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), buildings and other indoor spaces are up to 25 times more polluted than outdoor spaces. With an indoor workspace, airborne pollutants may build up to the point where it creates a health hazard. The good news is that you can improve the air quality in your workplace by following some simple tips.

Leave Vents Open

Assuming your workplace has central heating and air conditioning, you should leave all air vents open. Heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems use air vents to circulate air. Your workplace should have two types of vents. There are supply vents, and there are return vents. Both types of air vents need to be open in order for air to circulate. When closed, air may become stagnant in certain places of your workplace, resulting in higher levels of indoor air pollution.

Manage the Humidity

Another tip to improve the air quality in your workplace is to manage the humidity. High humidity is a risk factor for indoor air pollution. As the humidity level in your workplace increases, mold may spread. Most varieties of mold thrive in moist environments with a humidity of 60% of higher. By keeping the humidity level below 60%, you can prevent mold from taking over your workplace.

Replace the Air Filter

Replacing the air filter will promote lower levels of indoor air pollution. Air filters are disposable screens that live up to their namesake by filtering the air. As the HVAC system circulates air throughout your workplace, it will pass the air through a filter. The filter must be clean in order to do its job. Replacing the air filter will ensure that it's clean so that less debris is ejected into your workplace. How often should you replace it exactly? To keep air pollution in check, try to replace the air filter at least once every one to two months.

Ensure Machines and Appliances Are Vented

If your workplace has any gas-powered machines or appliances, you should check to make sure they are vented. Gas-powered machines and appliances will produce exhaust gases. As they burn gas, exhaust gases will be produced as a byproduct. These exhaust gases must be vented outside. Otherwise. they'll contribute to air pollution in your workplace. Following these tips will improve the air quality in your workplace.

Aug 2nd 2021

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