Protecting Against Sunburn When Working Outdoors

Protecting Against Sunburn When Working Outdoors

Does your job require you to work outdoors? If so, you should be conscious of your exposure to the sun and whether or not you are susceptible to sunburn. Each year, millions of people develop sunburn. While this condition typically occurs when men, women and children are on vacation or otherwise relaxing outdoors for long periods of time, it may also occur in workers. There are several steps that you can take to protect yourself from sunburn while working outdoors, however, some of which include the following.

Cover Skin

The more skin you have covered, the lower your risk of developing sunburn. Even if it's hot outside, try covering your skin. You can wear lightweight, loose-fitted clothes to stay cool while protecting yourself from sunburn in the process. Just remember to choose white or light-colored clothes, as they reflect a greater amount of sunlight compared to black and other dark-colored clothes.

Wear a Hat

Don't forget to wear a hat when working outdoors. One of this most common places where workers develop sunburn is on the top of their head. Without a hat, the sun will beam directly down on the top of your head, increasing the risk of severe sunburn. Thankfully, this is easily avoided by wearing a hat. Even if your job doesn't require the use of a hat, it's recommended that you wear one to protect against sunburn.

Wear Sunscreen

It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that wearing sunscreen can protect you from sunburn when working outdoors. A high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) sunscreen lotion will create a protective layer over your skin that blocks a substantial amount of sunlight. However, not all sunscreen is made equal. Broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion is specifically designed to block both UVA and UVB sunlight, whereas standard sunscreen lotion only blocks one form of sunlight. Therefore, you should choose a high-SPF, broad spectrum sunscreen lotion for maximum effectiveness.

Wear Sunglasses

Finally, wear sunglasses when working outdoors. A pair of UV-protected sunglasses will protect both your eyes and the skin around your eyes from sun damage. Besides, it will provide you with increased visibility by dampening sun glare and allowing you to see more clearly.

Prevent sunburn is important for your skin health. It's no secret that sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer. And considering that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, this is probably something that you want to avoid. Following the tips outlined here, however, can lower your risk of developing sunburn when working outdoors.

Jun 11th 2018

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