Office Yoga

Written by Terry Linde of

Here are some exercises that will help keep you in shape and help prevent repetitive stress injuries while you are on the job.

KEYBOARD CALISTHENICS: With hands in a prayer position, move in all directions and stretch. Squeeze fists tight. Stretch fingers wide. Rotate wrists in circles in all directions. Interlace fingers and rotate hands. Invent stretches that feel good.

NECK ROLLS: Drop your head to one side. Roll it around in a wide circle; switch directions. Slowly find the tight spots. Hold and breathe, letting your breath release the tightness. Extra stretch: Place a hand on your head and gently pull to the side.

ARM PULLS: Place left arm behind your back. Grab your wrist with your right hand. Drop your head to the right side. Roll head slightly and explore any tightness. Stretch and breathe. Repeat with other arm. Bend left arm above and behind your head. Grab your elbow with your right hand and stretch up. Breathe and let shoulders relax. Repeat with other arm.

KICK BACK LOG-ON POSE: Interlace your fingers behind your head. Relax your elbows and shoulders. Smile, breathe, and stretch your elbows back. Let the tightness release slowly. (Repeat throughout the day.)

HUMAN BASKETBALL NET: Raise your arms straight above your head. Interlace your fingers. Alternate palms downward and upward. Stretch and breathe. Stretch your arms out in front and relax your shoulders.

THE ULTIMATE RELEASE: While sitting, reach your hands toward the sky. Breathe in deeply and relax completely on the exhale. Drop your arms and upper body toward the ground like a rag doll.

Jun 17th 2015

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