Occupational Hazards in the Agricultural Industry

Occupational Hazards in the Agricultural Industry

With more than 2.2 million farms and counting, agriculture is a key economic industry in the United States. From corn and potatoes to grapes, strawberries and more, the U.S. is prime supplier of agriculture products. But like all industries, even agriculture is susceptible to various occupational hazards. Some of these hazards are obvious, while others are more discreet.

Skin Disease

So, what occupational hazards do agriculture workers face? Well, one of the most common hazards is skin disease, which is the direct result of workers being exposed to sun for extended periods of time. Although a plentiful source of vitamin D, sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) A and B rays, which have been shown to cause skin cancer. This prolonged exposure to sunlight, combined with the exposure of certain chemical-based pesticides, can increase the risk of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer and disease.

Hearing Loss

Agriculture workers are also at risk of developing hearing loss. This is particularly common among agriculture workers who operator tractors or other heavy machinery. The loud noise produced by these machines can gradually deafen a worker over time. It typically doesn't happen overnight, but years of exposure to loud noise produced by heavy machinery can and will lead to hearing loss.

Tractor Rollover

According to Wikipedia, the single most common cause of fatality in the agriculture industry is tractor rollover. Dozens of workers are either killed or critically injured as a result of tractor rollovers each year. This type of incident can be prevented, however, through the use of rollover protection bars, cages and structures.

Grain Bin Fires and Explosions

When you think of hazards in the agriculture industry, gran bin fires/explosions probably isn't the first to come to mind. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notes that grain handling is a "high-hazard" job for workers, as it exposes them to a wide variety of dangers, including fires, explosions, entrapment, crushing, amputation and more. Grain bins act as a tinder, catching fire from even the slightest spark or stray ember. And when grain begins to move, it can bury workers to the point where they are completely submerged and unable to breathe.

These are just a few of the most common hazards faced by agriculture workers. Some people assume this line of work is safe with minimal risk of injury, but as you can see this isn't the case. Skin disease, hearing loss, tractor rollovers, and grain bin fires and explosions are everyday hazards encountered in the agriculture industry.

Jan 20th 2016

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