NIOSH and OSHA Update New Version of Heat Safety App

NIOSH and OSHA Update New Version of Heat Safety App

Heat-related illness is a serious problem among outdoor workers. In 2014, more than 2,600 U.S. workers died from heat stroke and related illness. And with summer upon us, workers will continue to place themselves at risk for such illness.

In an effort to reduce these numbers, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety an Health Administration (OSHA) have released a new version of their heat safety app.

The free-to-use app is available for compatible Android and Apple iOS mobile devices. While the app has been around for a while, NIOSH and OSHA has updated it to reflect new changes in healthcare and worker safety. So, how does the heat safety app work exactly?

The app determines the heat index value, which is a measurement of how hot it feels. I know what you're thinking: isn't temperature also a way to determine how hot it feels? In a way, yes. But temperature alone doesn't reveal the whole story. This is because humidity also affects how hot an environment feels. When workers are in a humid environment, it slows down the rate at which heat is released from their body; thus, making them feel hotter. The heat safety app looks at both temperature and humidity to determine the heat index value.

This app uses geolocation to acquire temperature and humidity data from atmospheric satellites managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Using this information, it can determine the heat index for worker's environments. The app then displays the current risk of heat-related illness, such as minimal, low, moderate, high or extreme. It also reveals weather forecasts and hourly heat indexes, allowing workers to see which times of day have the highest risk and which times have the lowest risk.

"With the hot summer months on our doorstep, this app is a valuable tool for employers and workers to help prevent heat-related illnesses," said John Howard, M.D., director of NIOSH. "In many cases, workers rely on their employers to provide opportunities for taking rest breaks and drinking water. This app puts life-saving information at the fingertips of both supervisors and workers to inform them when they need to take precautions to stay safe at the worksite."

Of course, workers in certain industries have a greater risk of developing heat-related illness than others. Industries with a high risk of heat-related illness typically include construction, farming/agriculture, and welding.

The heat safety app is just one tool that workers and employers alike can use to protect against heat-related illness.

Aug 28th 2017

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