New York City Passes Bill to Expand Construction Safety

New York City Passes Bill to Expand Construction Safety

Construction consistently tops the list as being one of the most dangerous industries in which to work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 3.38 per 100,000 construction workers were killed on the job in 2015. Most of these work-related fatalities are attributed to the fatal four: falls, struck by object, electrocution and caught between.

In New York City, however, construction workers have an even higher risk of injury, which is something that lawmakers are hoping to fix with new legislation. Earlier this month, NYC City Council voted in favor of passing a new bill that will require most construction workers to receive at least 40 hours of safety training. New York lawmakers say this new bill will save lives and prevent injuries in the construction industry.

Originally, the bill required construction workers to first work under an apprenticeship program. However, some organizations lashed out at this idea, saying it was unfair to the unions and organizations that already have such programs in place. Lawmakers responded by changing the bill so it only requires construction workers to receive safety training. The new bill also allows construction workers to begin work after receiving just 10 hours of safety training; the other 30 hours can be completed on the job.

"Too many fatalities have occurred on construction sites in this city,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “We are not as a legislative body going to sit by and allow workers to continue to die, and for these construction sites that are unsafe to pose a risk to New Yorkers. We will not do that. And anyone that is asking us to do that is being negligent and irresponsible.”

New York City says it will spend roughly $5 million in safety training this year as well as $3 million to $6 million in enforcement.

As explained by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 4,300 construction workers were killed on the job in 2015. While this number has dropped since the years prior, construction remains one of the deadliest and most dangerous industries in which to work. However, these numbers can be further reduced through safety training. By requiring construction workers to undergo at least 40 hours of safety training, hopefully this will save some lives. Of course, this new bill is only limited to New York City, so it doesn't cover other cities or states. Nonetheless, lawmakers are confident that it will have a positive impact on construction fatalities and injuries.

Oct 10th 2017

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