New Laws to Strengthen Safety Measures at CA Oil Refineries

New Laws to Strengthen Safety Measures at CA Oil Refineries

New legislation has passed to improve working conditions at oil refineries and factories in California. The new regulations, which are expected to take effect starting October 1, 2017, require employers to implement several new safeguards to protect oil workers from injury. According to a press release, the new regulations are part of the California Governor's Interagency Working Group on Refinery Safety, which was formed after the fire at the Chevron oil refinery. It's part of a larger, multi-year effort to create a safer working environment in the oil refinery industry.

The legislation was created as a joint effort by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) with the focus of improving safety conditions for oil refinery workers as well as reducing the risk of hazardous chemicals and substances from being released into the environment.

So, what specifically does the new regulation entitle? Among other things, it places greater accountability on the shoulders of employers for ensuring their machines and equipment are safe. Additionally, it requires employers to adopt safer designs; increased employee involvement across all areas of safety and prevention; regular safety assessments to determine what additional safety measures can be taken; authority for personnel to disable a refinery unit in the event a hazard or problem is detected; mandatory investigations to identify the cause of an accident; yearly public reporting of safety measures as per CalARP.

"The goal of these regulations is to hold refineries accountable for the safety of workers and communities,” said Matthew Rodriquez, California Secretary for Environmental Protection. “Thanks to input from refinery workers, industry leaders and environmental and community organizations, we can better anticipate problems and prevent accidents that might pose serious risks to the public and environment.”

Statistics show that California currently operates with 15 oil refineries. Some of these are located in rural areas, though most are located within the highly populous cities of Log Angeles and San Francisco Bay. This new legislation will affect all 15 of these refineries, requiring them to take additional measures to protect both their workers and the public from injury and illness. Of course, this legislation won't take effect until later this year on October 1. So, in the meantime, oil refinery employers in California are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new legislation and make the necessary changes to their operation to ensure they are compliant.

Aug 8th 2017

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