Need Help Choosing Seating Options For Your Patio?

Need Help Choosing Seating Options For Your Patio?

The patio is an area of the home designed for guests and family members to go outside, relax and enjoy the outdoors. When it's a nice sunny day or cool evening, you can go outside to get some fresh air and avoid being cooped up in the house. However, in order to fully enjoy everything your patio has to offer, you must use the right seating. This not only means having enough chairs for everyone to sit down, but also using the right type of chairs.

Plastic Chairs

If you're on a budget and don't have a lot of disposable income to spend on patio furniture, you really can't go wrong with some basic plastic chairs. They're lightweight, durable and able to withstand years of rain, sun and weather. You can pick them up from most home improvement stores for about $10 bucks a piece, which is by far the least expensive option available. The downside to using plastic chairs is that they aren't as attractive as some of the higher quality models available.

Teak Lounge Chairs

Are you looking for a more comfortable and stylish alternative to plastic chairs? If so, you should consider purchasing a couple teak lounges. These are adjustable lounge chairs made of high-quality teak wood and a padded cushion to lay on. Most people agree that these are one of the most comfortable patio seating options available, as they're durable, soft and give you the ability to recline back to enjoy the outdoors.

Although teak usually holds up when exposed to moisture and sunlight, it does require an occasional application of oil. About once a month, you should rub some teak wood oil onto the chairs to prevent their color from fading and the moisture from seeping into the wood.

Chaise Lounges

Another comfortable alternative to plastic chairs are chaise lounges. If you don't know what these are, let me explain – basically chaise lounges are chairs that either adjust all the way down, or fixed in a traditional lounge position, and feature a support arch for the lower part of your leg. It's hard to describe the sheer comfort of a chaise lounge without sitting in one for yourself, making it the perfect choice to compliment your patio with.

Chaise lounges are usually considered the high-end seating option for patios. If you plan on using them on your patio, you'll still need some traditional chairs to sit upright and eat dinner or enjoy some drinks.

May 3rd 2015

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