Natural Disaster Preparation Tips

Natural Disaster Preparation Tips

As the saying goes, hope for the best but prepare for the worst, holds true when it comes to natural disasters. Hopefully, you'll never have to experience one, but if you do you should be prepared.

First-aid kits are an essential item that every family should have inside their home. When an injury occurs, you can grab the kit and begin to immediately treat the wound. Unfortunately, though, it's all too common for individuals to use their first-aid kits without replenishing the supplies. It you take supplies without putting them back, you are naturally going to run out.

You might be surprised to see just how much stuff comes with a typical first-aid kit refill. In addition to several different sizes and types of adhesive bandages, they also have gauze, compress packs, aspirin, ointment and much more. Before purchasing a refill, check to see what all it includes.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with using a first-aid kit when someone in your family suffers an injury, after all that's what they are designed for, but you must refill it with new supplies when necessary. First-aid kits come with a reasonable selection and amount of supplies, but continued use will eventually deplete them. Taking the time to refill the kits in your house will allow you and your family to continue using the first-aid kits.

Emergency food kits may come in handy during a number of different situations. If a natural disaster were to strike around your hometown, the supermarkets and convenience stores will likely be swamped by people looking to purchase any remaining food. This was actually a common scenario in New Jersey when Hurricane Sandy swept through. Thankfully, however, keeping just a few emergency food kits on hand will give you the energy and sustenance your body needs to survive.

So, just what all is included in an emergency food kit? While the exact content varies depending on the type of kit you purchase, they typically contain various packets of dehydrated food (lasts for years without going bad), water, eating and drinking utensils, matches and basic first-aid supplies. Not only does an emergency food kit offer high-calorie food, but it's also quite delicious. Some of the most common flavors include teriyaki and rice, pasta alfredo, chili macaroni and brown sugar and maple.

If the streets are flooded and you are left stranded inside your home, a food safety kit could be the difference between the life and death. However, it's also a good idea to keep one in your car or truck as well. Drivers frequently get stuck in sudden blizzards that prevent them from driving. When the temperatures are freezing outside and you have no available food or water, an emergency food kit can offer temporary relief until you get rescued.

Mar 3rd 2015

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