Make Workplace Safety a New Year's Resolution

Make Workplace Safety a New Year's Resolution

Statistics show that time and time again, losing weight is the most common New Year's resolution. However, an alternative resolution -- one that's perhaps even more important -- is creating a safe workplace. Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers in the United States are injured on the job. Some of these injuries are minor, whereas others are more serious and require professional medical attention. The good news is that you can protect workers from common injuries by making workplace safety a New Year's resolution.

Host Toolbox Talks

What are toolbox talks and how can they promote a safe workplace? Toolbox talks are essentially discussions focused on safety in the workplace. During these discussions, employers encourage workers to talk about common hazards in the workplace as well as steps to protect workers from injury.

Personal Protective Equipment

We've talked about this before on our blog, but it's worth mentioning again that personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for creating a safe workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) even requires employers to provide workers with the appropriate PPE. So, make sure your workers are given the right PPE for the job; otherwise, workers will have a greater risk of injury, and you could face fines from noncompliance.

Conduct Safety Audits

Of course, you can also protect workers from injury by conducting your own internal safety audits. This means analyzing your workplace for common hazards and then taking steps to address those hazards.

Maintain Machines and Equipment

Improperly maintained machines and equipment is a common risk factor of worker injury. When machines and equipment aren't maintained, it increases the risk of injury. Unfortunately, many employers neglect this otherwise basic form of maintenance, believing it's a waste of time, energy and resources. While maintaining machines and equipment does require resources, it will pay off in the form of a safer workplace.

Reduce Stress

You might be surprised to learn that stress is another common risk factor in work-related injuries. When workers are stressed, they are more likely to make mistakes and sustain injury. Therefore, you should look to reduce workplace stress by allowing workers to take breaks and encouraging a relaxing environment.

Nov 29th 2017

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