Important Things To Remember When Renovating a Bathroom

Important Things To Remember When Renovating a Bathroom

Important Things To Remember When Renovating a BathroomWhether your bathroom suffers from a boring, uninspired decor, or if there's something functionally wrong with it, a renovation might be the solution to your problems. Some homeowners turn their head at the thought of performing a bathroom renovation project, fearing it will cost them thousands of dollars along with countless hours of hard work. While some projects are certainly costly and time consuming, others are relatively easy. Regardless of your renovation project's size, however, there are a few important things to remember before jumping starting.

Exhaust Fan or Window

Federal building codes mandate that each and every bathroom in a home must have either an exhaust fan installed overhead of a nearby window. If you intend on renovating your bathroom, make sure you have one of these two elements in place.

So, what's the importance of having an exhaust fan or window in the bathroom? The purpose of an exhaust fan is to extract humidity from the air, which is a serious problem for the constantly damp and moist atmosphere of a bathroom. Over time, this moisture can lead to mildew, soap scum and mold, creating a real threat to your family's health. Thankfully, you can prevent this from happening by installing an exhaust or fan or window. Just remember to actually use them before and after you shower; otherwise, they won't help.

Choose The Right Paint

Giving your bathroom walls a fresh coat of paint will have a dramatic impact on the overall decor. There's no easier way to revitalize the look of a bathroom than by painting it. To get the most benefit from your painting efforts, however, you need to choose the right type of paint. Carefully analyze the various furnishings and decorative elements inside your bathroom to determine which color would compliment the decor best. It's not a bad idea to pick up some paint chips from your local home improvement store and tack them to the wall. This will give you a better idea of which colors work in your bathroom and which ones don't.

Also, some paint varieties aren't suited for the humid atmosphere of a bathroom. Read the label on the paint to determine whether or not it's acceptable for use in a bathroom. Using the wrong type could result in paint dripping and running off your walls, forcing you to go back and fix it later. Typically medium-to-high gloss/sheen paints work well in bathrooms. The shiny coating on paint such as this acts as a natural barrier against moisture.

Electrical Outlets

When you are renovating a bathroom, pay attention to the number of available electrical outlets. If you find yourself struggling to use all of your appliances due to a lack of outlets, this is the perfect opportunity to add more. Of course, you'll need to hire a professional electrician to safely perform this type of work, but adding more outlets will not only add convenience to your bathroom, it will also increase the overall value of your home.

Jan 18th 2015 Safety Joe

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