How to Strengthen Your Lower Back

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back

Do you suffer from lower back pain? You aren't alone. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that roughly one-quarter of Americans experience pain in their lower back region. Whether it's mild or severe, though, it can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Strengthening your lower back, however, may offer a solution. Here are several easy ways to strengthen your lower back.


You can strengthen your lower back by performing planks. Planks are an isometric exercise. To perform them, place yourself in the push-up position, but rather than holding your body up using your hands, use your forearms. Planks involve the same position as push-ups but with your forearms pressed against the floor instead of your hands. As you hold your body in this position, your abdominal and back muscles will tense up.

Bicycle Kicks

Another exercise that targets the muscles in the lower back is bicycle kicks. Bicycle kicks are simple and easy to perform. To perform them, lie down with your back against the floor. Next, raise your legs into the air while rotating them like you are riding a bike. Known as bicycle kicks, it will engage the muscles in your lower back. Performing just five minutes of bicycle kicks per day can have a positive impact on your lower back strength.

Side Planks

In addition to regular planks, you can perform side planks to strengthen your lower back. Side planks are exactly what they sound like: planks that are performed on the side. Regular planks are performed face-down -- just like push-ups. Side planks, on the other hand, are performed on the side.


Sometimes the simplest forms of exercise offer the greatest benefit. Walking, for instance, is a full-body exercise that, among other things, will strengthen your lower back. You don't have to go running or even jogging. Even if you walk at a slow pace, it will target nearly all of the muscles in your body.

Leg Lifts

For a stronger lower back, try performing leg lifts. Leg lifts are exercises that involve raising and lowering your legs while lying down on the floor. Start by lying down with your back against the floor. Next, raise both of your legs. After holding this position for 30 to 60 seconds, lower your legs and repeat. Leg lifts are similar to bicycle kicks. While bicycle kicks involve rotating or "cycling" your legs, though, leg lifts do not.

Oct 13th 2022

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