How to Stay Motivated When Working From Home

How to Stay Motivated When Working From Home

Do you struggle to stay motivated when working from home? There's no denying the fact that working from home has become more common in recent years. According to a Pew Research survey, over 70 percent of all employees in the United States now work from home. Staying motivated, however, can be challenging when working from home. Fortunately, you can overcome this challenge and increase your motivation levels in several ways.

Create a Dedicated Space

Creating a dedicated space can help you stay motivated when working from home. A dedicated space, of course, is any area or room of your home that's used exclusively for work-related tasks. If you have an office, you can make it a dedicated space. If you have a spare bedroom, on the other hand, you can make it a dedicated space as well. With a dedicated space, you'll be able to focus your full attention on working, which can have a positive impact on your motivation levels.

Get Rid of Distractions

Distractions can sap your motivation levels when working from a home. When you become distracted, you'll have to regain your thought process. All of these mental interruptions can make you less productive and less motivated. By getting rid of distractions, you'll have an easier time staying motivated.

Follow a Schedule

You should try to follow a schedule when working from home. Why is a schedule important exactly? Without a schedule, you won't have any sort of structured guidance to keep you moving through the day. As a result, you may end up working sporadically at different times. Following a schedule will provide you structured guidance. You'll know exactly when you need to start working, and you'll know exactly when you need to stop working.


Exercising can increase your motivation levels when working from home. Exercise has been shown to curb stress, fight fatigue and improve mood, all of which can have a positive impact on your motivation levels. Try to exercise for at least 75 minutes to 150 minutes per week.

Take Regular Breaks

Don't forget to take regular breaks when working from home. Workers who rarely or never take breaks are more likely to experience burnout. Burnout is a phenomenon that's characterized by low levels of productivity and motivation due to prolonged working. Taking regular breaks offers a solution. By taking a short break every one to two hours, you'll feel both physically and mentally refreshed.

Aug 11th 2021

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