How to Relieve Lower Back Pain

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Do you suffer from lower back pain? Well, you aren't alone. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) reports that approximately one half of all working Americans experience back pain. In some cases, it's nothing more than a mild, temporary aching sensation that goes away. In other cases, however, it may consist of chronic, debilitating pain that dictates your daily life. So, what can you do to relieve lower back pain?

Cold Compress, Then Heat

A good rule of thumb is to apply a cold compress to your back immediately when you first experience pain, and after 48 hours has passed, switch to a hot compress. The cold compress will numb the area while discouraging blood flow to your back. Switching to a hot compress will increase blood flow, which is beneficial when done in the latter stages.

Get a Massage

Massage therapy has been used for centuries for the purpose of pain relief. Even today, it remains a highly effective technique for this very purpose. Massage works to relieve back pain in several different ways, kneading out muscle tension, promoting the release of natural pain-relieving hormones like oxytocin, and encouraging blood flow. When seeking a massage to relieve back pain, be sure to tell your message therapist the location from which the pain is originating.

Take an Aspirin

Lower back pain is often caused by excessive inflammation within the body. If a muscle or group of muscles is stressed beyond its normal physical limits, your body may respond by creating inflammation (swelling) in the area. You can relieve this inflammation, however, by taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) like aspirin or ibuprofen.

Take it Easy...

It's essential that you take it easy if you are currently suffering from lower back pain. I know this is easier said than done, especially if you a job that requires you to stand on your feet for long stretches of time. However, allowing your body ample time to rest will help to dissipate your back pain while preventing further injury.

And don't make the mistake of lifting objects by bending your back. We've talked about this before on our blog, but the golden rule of lifting is to lift with your legs, not your back. Bend your knees until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor, at which point you can pick up the object without straining your back.

Feb 12th 2016

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