How To Promote Better Safety In The Workplace

How To Promote Better Safety In The Workplace

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLR), there are approximately 3 million nonfatal work-related injuries reported to employers each year. And this doesn't even account for injuries which aren't reported to employers. Work-related injuries harm businesses in a number of different ways, some of which includes a general loss of productivity, higher insurance premiums, reduced employee morale, medical expenses, lost wages, and legal fees. While there's no way to fully prevent 100% of accidents from occurring, companies can drastically reduce the chance of work-related injuries by promoting safety.

Create a Safety Bulletin Board

One technique that's incredibly effective at reducing work-related injuries and accidents is to create a safety bulletin board. This will serve as a general 'hub' for all things related to workplace safety. Companies can include vital information like potential areas of danger, poison control hotline phone numbers, diagrams on how to properly lift a heavy box or object (lift with your legs, not your back), and other related information.

If you're going to create a safety bulletin board for your company, make sure it's placed in a communal location where employees can easily see it. A safety bulletin board is only beneficial if employees actually take the time to read it, so place it somewhere like the break room or office.

Safety Recognition

Another tip for reducing work-related accidents is to recognize employees who strive for safety. Perhaps you could throw a monthly contest where employees who remain safe and accident-free are rewarded with a gift card or free lunch. The small price of a reward could prove to be well worth it by creating a safer workplace for everyone. Alternatively, you could add 'safety' as a factor in choosing an employee-of-the-month for your company. Just remember to announce these plans to your employees so they know the importance of safety in the workplace.

Safety Training

Of course, companies should also train their employees on proper safety techniques. Some companies completely overlook or underestimate the importance of continued safety training once they hire an employee. This ultimately 'ups' the chance of accidents since the employee doesn't know the proper procedure.

Try to get into the habit of retraining your employees on a regular basis, showing them exactly how to perform daily operations in a safe manner. This alone will go along ways in creating a safe, accident-free workplace.

Nov 18th 2013 Safety Joe

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