How To Prevent 'Mouse Arm'

How To Prevent 'Mouse Arm'

Mouse arm is a form of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) that may result in pain, tingling and a general discomfort in the affected arm and wrist. People who are constantly using the computer are at greater risk for developing mouse arm simply because they are constantly repeating the same motions over and over; however, mouse arm can also be developed from motions not related to the computer. Whether you are a frequent computer user or not, it's important to familiarize yourself with mouse arm so you can better prevent and treat it.

The good news is that professional chiropractors offer a wide range of services aimed towards treating mouse arm. They can perform manual adjustments and alignments to help move the tendons around, which prevents mouse arm from continuing on its destructively painful path. Of course, you can always opt for surgical procedures, but surgery is far more invasive and will usually result in greater pain and downtime.

So, how exactly does mouse arm occur? When you constantly perform the same motions, the fibers inside your wrist slowly begin to break down. Although they naturally regenerate over time, too many of these tears can place a strain on the body, and it might not be able to build them back in enough time. As a result, you may experience tingling or pain in your wrist and arm, which are commonly signs of mouse arm.

There are some things you can do to help reduce the chance of mouse arm, one of which is basic stretching. When you are busy working or typing away on the computer, force yourself to take breaks so you can stretch and move around. I know this might be difficult to do for individuals who find a rhythm and continue working for 6-8 hours, but you must give your body a break. A simple 5-minute stretching exercise once an hour is all it takes to keep your body fresh.

During your short breaks, make sure that you move your wrists around. There's no specific way to accomplish this, as you can simply roll them in a clockwise motion. In addition, stretch each of your fingers out to give them a little breathing room. Performing these basic exercises on a daily basis will help prevent mouse arm from developing.

In you believe mouse arm is affecting your arm or wrist, you should schedule an appointment with a professional chiropractor. Since the condition is oftentimes related to poor joints and tendons, chiropractors can offer services to help align and adjust these problems. It may take a couple sessions, but you can rest assured knowing they have the skills and tools necessary to treat mouse arm.

Share with us your experience with RSI and treatment program?

Nov 23rd 2014 Safety Jane

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