How to Prevent Eyestrain When Using a Computer

How to Prevent Eyestrain When Using a Computer

Does your job require you to use a computer for multiple hours a day? If so, you may experience eyestrain. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), over half of all U.S. adults suffer from computer-related eyestrain. While most instances of eyestrain are minor, they can still cause serious discomfort. The good news is that you can protect against eyestrain when using a computer by following a few simple steps.

Adjust Your Monitor's Brightness

If you haven't done so already, go into your monitor's settings to adjust the brightness level. If it's too bright or too dim, it may strain your eyes. Regardless of what type of monitor you use, you should be able to adjust its brightness. By maintaining medium-level brightness, you are less likely to experience eyestrain.

Maintain Eye Level

You should also maintain eye level with your monitor. In other words, your eyes should be parallel with the top of your monitor. If your eyes are higher or lower than the top of your monitor, it will force you to look down or up. As a result, you may experience eyestrain.

There are several ways to adjust your eye level, one of which is to raise or lower your chair. If your eyes are currently higher than the top of your monitor, for example, you can lower your chair to achieve the appropriate height. If your eyes are lower than the top of your monitor, you can raise your chair. Alternatively, your monitor may have an adjustable-height stand.

Look Away Every 20 Minutes

Perhaps the most important tip to protect against computer-related eyestrain is to look away at least once every 20 minutes. Staring at a monitor for long periods is a major risk of eyestrain. When you stare at a monitor for a long period, it will take a toll on your eyes, potentially causing strain or general discomfort. To protect against eyestrain, try to get into the habit of looking away form your monitor at least once every 20 minutes.

Remember to Blink

Don't forget to blink when using a computer. When you're busy working on a computer, you may forget to blink. As a result, the lubricating liquid that coats your eyes will evaporate. As your eyes dry out, it can lead to eyestrain.

It's frustrating when you experience eyestrain after using a computer, but there are ways to prevent it. From adjusting your monitor's brightness and maintaining eye level to looking away every 20 minutes and blinking frequently, you can minimize the risk of eyestrain.

Dec 19th 2019

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