How to Prepare Your Residential Landscape for Spring

How to Prepare Your Residential Landscape for Spring

Is your residential landscape ready for spring? During this seasonal transition, the temperatures will begin to increase and the days will become longer. These effects will allow grass, flowers and trees to emerge from their dormant state. By preparing your residential landscape ahead of time, you can promote a smooth transition into this new season.

Clean Debris

One of the first things you should do when preparing your residential landscape for spring is clean debris. Landscapes can become cluttered in debris during the winter months. You may discover pine needles, leaves and other debris blanketing your residential landscape. Rather than leaving this debris unchecked, you should clean it. Cleaning it will provide you with a blank slate for your residential landscape.

Inspect Trees

You should use this opportunity to inspect the trees in your residential landscape. Maybe it has pine trees, or perhaps it has oak or hickory trees. Regardless of the variety, trees can die. If your residential landscape has any dead trees in it, you should get them removed. Dead trees can cause property damage and/or bodily injury. By getting them removed, however, this isn't a concern.

Add Mulch

Adding mulch can better prepare your residential landscape for spring. Mulch offers several benefits. For starters, it encourages water retention. Rather than washing away, rainwater will collect within the mulch. You can surround flowers with a thick layer of mulch to keep them hydrated.

Mulch also protects root systems. Exposed roots are vulnerable to damage. Insects or pests may attack them, thus killing the plant to which the roots are attached. To protect root systems, you can use mulch.

Mow the Grass

Mowing the grass in your residential landscape will help to prepare it for spring. Most homeowners rarely mow their grass during the winter. As a result, their landscapes become messy and unkempt. By running over the grass just once with a lawnmower, you'll create a cleaner-looking residential landscape that's ready for spring.

Eliminate Weeds

Don't overlook weeds when preparing your residential landscape for spring. There are dozens of different types of weeds, many of which emerge around the beginning of spring. To keep them out of your residential landscape, you'll need to remove them in a timely manner.

As soon as you see a weed emerge, remove it. You can pull weeds directly out of the ground using a weeding tool. Alternatively, you can eliminate weeds by spraying them with an herbicide.

Feb 2nd 2022

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