How to Participate in Safe + Sound Week

How to Participate in Safe + Sound Week

Unbeknownst to many business owners, the week of Aug. 15, 2022, is Safe + Sound Week. If you own a business, you should consider participating in it. Safe + Sound Week is led by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). And while OSHA doesn't require it, participating in Safe + Sound Week is beneficial.

What Is Safe + Sound Week

Safe + Sound Week is an annual event that aims to raise awareness for work-related injuries and illnesses as well as how to avoid them. Thousands of workers in the United States succumb to injuries and illnesses while on the job. Many of these injuries and illnesses are preventable. 

Slip-and-fall injuries, for instance, can be prevented by cleaning spilled liquids and requiring workers to wear non-slip shoes or boots. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), on the other hand, can be prevented by investing in ergonomic products. Regardless, there are ways to prevent or reduce the risk of many work-related injuries and illnesses. Safe + Sound Week is an event in which businesses are encouraged to talk about work-related injuries and illnesses.

How to Participate in Safe + Sound Week

You can participate in Safe + Sound Week by holding toolbox talks with your employees. Toolbox talks are meetings in which a business's leaders discuss safety topics with their workers. To participate in Safe + Sound Week, you can hold toolbox talks such as these with your business's workers.

OSHA offers tips on how to plan and participate in Safe + Sound Week. You can access these tips by clicking here. OSHA, for instance, recommends business owners address heat-related illness during Safe + Sound Week. OSHA also offers free planning guides that you can download and use for Safe + Sound Week.

Benefits of Participating in Safe + Sound Week

While optional, participating in Safe + Sound Week is recommended because of the impact it has on worker safety. It will promote a safer workplace while lowering the risk of injuries and illnesses among workers.

Participating in Safe + Sound Week may lead to a higher worker retention rate. Worker retention rate is the percentage of workers who stay with your business during a given period. If your business has 100 employees at the beginning of the year, 400 of whom left by the end of the year, its worker retention rate would be 60%. 

You can increase your business's worker retention rate by participating in Safe + Sound Week. When workers are given a safe environment in which to work, they will be less likely to leave.

Aug 15th 2022

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