How Sleep Affects Your Productivity At Work

How Sleep Affects Your Productivity At Work

How much sleep do you get in a typical night? Statistics show that 50 to 70 million of adults in the United States have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. While some people brush off insomnia as nothing more than a nuisance, it can affect your life in multiple ways. Lack of sleep contributes to infection by suppressing the immune, and it also causes mood changes due to its impact on hormone production. Furthermore, there's evidence suggesting that lack of sleep hurts productivity in the workplace.

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tuscon, Arizona found that workers who struggled to sleep at night experienced lower levels of productivity than their counterparts who did sleep well at night.

"In a real-world sample of about 1,000 people, those who were sleeping less, and those who were not getting good quality sleep, were actually at a disadvantage when it comes to productivity. This is further evidence that sleep is not wasted time. it’s wisely invested," said study researcher Robert Yang.

So, how exactly does lack of sleep contribute to low productivity in the workplace? There are a few reasons for this effect, one of which is its impact on cognitive function. As you may already know, lack of sleep impairs cognitive function. After rolling out of bed from a restless night, you'll probably think slower and less clearly, thereby hindering your ability to perform cognitive-based tasks at work.

Lack of sleep also affects memory retention. You may have trouble remembering things after not sleeping well at night. Depending on your job and what exactly it entitles, you may struggle to perform otherwise basic tasks.

There's also the issue of delayed motor functions when you don't get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep slows down nearly all cognitive functions, including the way in which your brain sends signals telling muscles to move. In other words, you'll perform tasks that require hand-eye coordination more slowly. Not only does this hurt your productivity levels, but it also increases the risk of injury. Sleep-deprived workers who operate heavy machinery, for instance, are more likely to cause an accident.

The bottom line is that lack of sleep can hurt your productivity in the workplace. It impairs cognitive function and memory retention while also delaying your body's motor functions. So, be sure to get at least seven or eight hours of rest each night, especially before you work.

Jan 31st 2019

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