How Floor Mats Can Create a Safer Workplace

How Floor Mats Can Create a Safer Workplace

When you think of safety equipment to protect workers from injury, floor mats probably isn't at the top of your list. After all, how much of a difference can a few mats really make? Well, they might be relatively simple, but floor mats are a smart investment that can protect workers from serious injury.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and falls account for more than work-related fatalities in the United States than any other accident except motor vehicle accidents. According to a study conducted by the National Safety Council  (NSC), falls from the same level are the second-highest cause of disabling injury, while falls from elevated level are the third-highest cause of disabling injury. Statistics such as these attest to the need for fall protection in the workplace.

How Floor Mays Can Help

Adding floor mats to your workplace can reduce the risk of slip and fall injuries by creating greater traction. Many workplaces have hard floors made of concrete, hardwood or similar materials that are easy to clean. Unfortunately, the downside to using hard floors is an increased risk of slip and fall injuries. If water, oil or other liquids is spilled, it creates a serious safety hazard. An unsuspecting worker may accidentally slip on the spilled liquid, sustaining injuries like bruises, broken bones, concussion and more.

Here are some tips on how to use floor mats in your workplace:

  • Place them in key areas where slip and falls occur most frequently (e.g. entryways, hallways, work stations, areas where moisture is a problem, etc.)
  • Choose heavy-duty floor mats
  • Wash and dry them on a regular basis
  • Secure them to the floor so they are unable to move

Reduces Fatigue

In addition to protecting against slip and fall injuries, floor mats can also reduce worker fatigue. As explained by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), some floor mats have "anti-fatigue" properties. These anti-fatigue mats live up to their namesake by reducing worker fatigue.

It's not uncommon for workers to stand on their feet for eight or more hours a day in some industries. All of this standing takes a toll on workers' bodies, causing physical fatigue and exhaustion. Anti-fatigue mats, however, protect workers from this phenomenon. Featuring a soft cushion, they absorb some of the worker's weight while minimizing fatigue and exhaustion in the process. For these reasons and others, you should consider using them in your workplace.

May 8th 2018

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