Home Renovation Safety Tips

Home Renovation Safety Tips

Are you planning a major home renovation in the near future? According to some statistics, the United States home improvement and repair industry is amounted to roughly $284 billion. There's no faster way to revitalize an otherwise dull decor than by renovating your home. However, you'll want to follow some basic safety measures to reduce the risk of injury.

Know Your Home

Whether you're knocking down an existing wall or installing a new fixture, you should familiarize yourself with your home's layout, including the presence of plumbing pipes, electrical wiring, water lines, etc. Taking a sledgehammer to a wall through which plumbing runs could turn an otherwise simple renovation project into a nightmare. You can determine the location of plumbing, electrical, etc. by referring to your home's blueprints.

Proper Ventilation

Indoor air pollution has already been named as one of the top five environmental concerns by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But the quality of indoor air is even worse when major renovations are taking place. This is why it's important to ensure proper ventilation before, during and after the renovation. Opening the windows and setting up oscillating fans will help flush airborne particles from your home. In addition, you may also want to wear a dust mask or respirator, which are available to purchase at our store.

Wear Protective Eyewear

From shooting projectiles to sharp nails and splinters, there are dozens of potential eye hazards present during a typical home renovation. In most cases, nothing will happen, but you have to ask yourself if it's really worth the risk (hint: it's not). So before embarking on a renovation project, pick up a pair of impact-resistant goggles. For the price, it's a smart investment that can potentially save your vision.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

Rather than trying to bite off more than you can chew, seek professional help if you are unable to safely complete a task. There are thousands of contractors out there who will gladly perform the renovation, taking the burden off your shoulders. Granted, some tasks are simple enough that homeowners can do it, but others are more difficult and technical, creating a dangerous scenario for DIY renovators.

Feb 16th 2016

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