Health Tips to Follow When Flying in a Plane

Health Tips to Follow When Flying in a Plane

Are you planning to fly in the near future? Well, you aren't alone. Statistics show that 8 million people fly in commercial and private plans each day. Whether it's for business or leisure, there's no denying the fact that flying is a faster, more relaxing and safer means of transportation when compared to driving. Unfortunately, though, it also exposes you to a significant amount of germs inside the cabin. This is why it's important to follow some basic tips to protect yourself from infectious illness when flying.

Get 8 Hours of Sleep

Sleep is essential for a strong, effective immune system. When you don't get enough sleep, your immune system becomes compromised, thereby leaving you susceptible to infectious illness. This problem is compounded by the fact that many travelers experience jet lag when flying, which can further hinder their ability to sleep. If you're planning to fly in the near future, try to get at least eight hours of high-quality sleep the night before you leave.

Choose a Window Seat

If possible, try to choose a window seat for your flight. According to one study, window seats have fewer germs than aisle seats. This makes sense considering that aisle seats are located directly where passengers walk. Therefore, they naturally accumulate more germs than window seats. You might have to pay more for a window seat, but the positive impact it has on your health makes it a smart investment when flying.

Avoid Caffeine

What's wrong with drinking caffeinated beverages while flying? The biggest problem is that caffeine dehydrates you. And considering that the air in a typical commercial airliner is already dry, it can leave you susceptible to infectious illness. As your body becomes dehydrated, the mucus membrane in your sinuses will dry out. This creates an entry point in which germs can enter your body and cause infection. To prevent this from happening, avoid caffeinated beverages and, instead, drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight.

Eat Healthy Snacks

Of course, you can also lower your risk of illness when flying by eating healthy snacks. Most long-distance flights offer free snacks to passengers. Unfortunately, many of these snacks have little or no nutritional value. If you're worried about the negative health effects of these snacks, consider preparing and bringing your own. Just remember to check the airline's policy beforehand.

It's frustrating when you have a major trip planned, only to fall ill shortly after you arrive. Even if it's nothing more the common cold, an illness can prevent you from working or enjoying your trip. This is why it's important that travelers follow some basic tips when flying to protect themselves from illness.

Jun 18th 2018

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