Heads Up: June Is National Fireworks Safety Month

Heads Up: June Is National Fireworks Safety Month

There's no better time than the summer to enjoy an firework-filled evening outdoors with friends and family members. Fireworks, however, can pose a risk of injury when used incorrectly. Research shows that over 10,000 people are treated for firework injuries each year in the United States. To protect the public from such injuries, June has been designated as National Fireworks Safety Month.

Keep Water Nearby

Always keep water nearby when launching fireworks. Not surprisingly, fireworks can get hot. Sparklers, for instance, can reach temperatures of up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. If you happen to touch a hot sparkler, you could get burned. Keeping water nearby will allow you to douse the launched or spent fireworks so that they don't cause burns or structure fires.

Only Light Once

You should only light fireworks a single time. In other words, don't attempt to relight the fuse if the fireworks don't launch. Relighting fireworks is never a good idea. After the first lighting attempt, fireworks may have a shorter fuse. This means you won't have as much time to get out of the way after relighting it. To err on the side of caution, only light fireworks once.

Don't Hold in Your Hand

While it may sound harmless, holding fireworks can cause injuries. Fireworks should come with instructions on how to light and launch them. Although there a few exceptions, most fireworks are designed to be launched from the ground. Holding a firework in your hand may cause it to burn your hand after being lit. Refer to the instructions for more information on how to safely launch a given firework.

Use Protective Eyewear

Another safety tip to follow when launching fireworks is to use protective eyewear. Some fireworks have a mind of their own. Even if they are pointed upwards, they may launch diagonally or horizontally. If you happen to be standing path of a firework, it could strike your face while potentiality causing an eye injury. Safety eyewear will protect you from such injuries by shielding your eyes.

Light Outdoors

Conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that fireworks should only be lit outdoors. When lit indoors, fireworks can cause structure fires. This applies to all fireworks. Whether you're launching bottle rockets or basic sparklers, you should go outdoors to light them.

With June being National Fireworks Safety Month, you should familiarize yourself with these safety tips. They'll allow you to enjoy fireworks this summer while minimizing your risk of injury.

Jun 24th 2021

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