Green Tea Linked to Weight Loss and Improved Brain Function

Green Tea Linked to Weight Loss and Improved Brain Function

A new study has linked a centuries-old traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to several surprising health benefits, including weight loss and improved cognitive function.

Researchers from Yangling, China found that green tea, which contains a powerful antioxidant compound known as EGCG, helps to reduce body fat and improve memory. For the study, researchers analyzed three-month-old mice, some of which were given a standard diet, whereas others were given either a high-fructose diet along with two grams of EGCG or a high-fructose diet without EGCG. So, what did researchers discover?

At the end of the study, researchers found that mice which were fed the high-fructose diet without the EGCG experienced the highest increase of body fat than their counterparts. Mice that were fed the EGCG, however, experienced improved memory and less weight gain. Granted, this study was conducted specifically on mice, but researchers believe the same results hold true for humans as well.

Some people assume that green tea is an entirely different plant than regular, black tea, but this isn't necessarily true. Both green and black tea are made from the Cameillia sinesis plant. The only difference is that black tea goes through a withering and oxidation process, which essentially removes some of its beneficial nutrients. Because of this, green tea tends to yield more health benefits than its counterpart, making it the preferred choice among health-conscious individuals seeking to improve their physical and/or mental health. 

Of course, green tea has been linked to other health benefits as well. A 2015 meta-analysis, for instance, found that for every additional cup of green tea a person consumed, there was a 5% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Being that cardiovascular disease is currently ranked as the leading cause of death in the United States, this is a huge benefit that shouldn't go unnoticed. Other health benefits associated with green tea include blood sugar management, reduced inflammation, and lower risk of overall mortality.

If you want to reap the health benefits of green tea, though, you need to watch the added sugar. Because of its naturally bitter taste, some people pour heaps of refined sugar into their green tea. In doing so, they negate its potential health benefits. If you want to sweeten your green tea, consider adding honey or fruit juice instead of refined sugar.

This study was published in the medical journal FASEB.

Aug 7th 2017

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