Getting an Early Start on the Day Boosts Productivity

Getting an Early Start on the Day Boosts Productivity

Looking to increase your work output without investing additional hours to your job? Well, perhaps you should try waking a little earlier in the morning.

According to a new report published by the Wall Street Journal, 4 AM is the most productive time of the day. Authors say there are three main reasons for this. 4 AM typically has fewer distractions, such as kids, traffic noise, work-related, etc. Workers typically receive fewer emails, texts and other messages at this pre-dawn hour. And last, there's little-to-no new content posted on social media networks at 4 AM, allowing workers to focus more on work and less on updating their Facebook status.

There are some workers who even wake before 4 AM to start their workday. One such worker whom you may already know is Tim Cook. Apple's chief executive officer recently revealed that he wakes at 3:45 AM every morning to start his work day.

Some people may argue that 4 AM is too early -- and that's okay. Start by turning your alarm clock back just 30 minutes and you'll probably discover a positive improvement in your productivity levels. Waking up earlier than your normal time gives you the opportunity to complete tasks that would otherwise be unavailable. And as suggested by the Wall Street Journal's report, there are fewer distractions in the early-morning hours.

Of course, there are other ways to increase your productivity levels, some of which include the following:

  • Create a "to do" list the night prior.
  • Tackle the day's hardest task first.
  • Don't be afraid to reject tasks if you feel you cannot complete them.
  • Get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Try switching from a traditional to a standing desk. Studies have shown that standing desks boost productivity while offering other health benefits in the process.
  • Delegate small tasks to other workers.
  • Check your email less frequently throughout the day.
Aug 25th 2016

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