Emergency Supplies For Natural Disaster Preparedness

Emergency Supplies For Natural Disaster Preparedness

There's no denying the fact that the world's a dangerous place. Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and global warming are just a few of the threats we face everyday. To find security in an unstable world, many people choose to stock up on emergency essentials. Even if they aren’t used, they give us peace of mind knowing we will be okay in the event of an emergency.

When disaster strikes and society shuts down, money won't be valuable anymore. Instead, emergency essentials are going to be the most wanted items. So what are emergency essentials? Any item that could be used in an emergency or disaster situation could be considered an emergency essential. Some examples are flashlights, dried food, water, etc.

Choosing to buy emergency essentials is a smart decision to make. We can't prevent disasters from happening, but we can prepare ourselves and our families to cope during these times.

Top Emergency Essentials

It's easy to forget some of the important items when buying your emergency essentials. Here, we'll investigate some of the top emergency essentials and why they're important.

Hands down, the most important survival items are food and water. Without these two items, there's simply no chance at survival. It's important to keep your emergency essentials stocked with water bottles and canned or preserved food. How much you wish to stockpile is up to you. Some people only want a small safety net with a few cases of water, other people go all out and have complete water towers built on their property.

Any educated survivalist will tell you one of the top emergency essentials is a knife. It's a versatile item that can be used for everything from self-defense to preparing food, and everyone should have at least one in their emergency essential kit.

Flashlights and batteries are also going to be valued essentials in an emergency situation. When the power grid goes down and electricity is out, people will have to rely on flashlights and fuel-powered generators for light. Even with generators, though, flashlights will be used.

Choosing Your Emergency Essentials

Everyone has different expectations for their emergency essentials. You first need to ask yourself why you're creating an emergency preparation kit. If you believe a flooding is imminent, perhaps you will pack flotation devices and extra flares. If you think food will be scarce, you'll be sure to stock up on food. However, you may want to make a general preparation kit that includes everything you'll need.

For a kit that includes the basics of emergency essentials, look to include a surplus of bottled water and freeze-dried food. Once you've got this, start adding other essentials, such as flashlights, blankets, tents, sleeping bags, and propane gas tanks. You probably wont be able to purchase everything you want for your emergency kit, but over time it become more than complete.

A sometimes forgotten emergency essential is bug spray. Under certain disaster situations such as floods, you might be spending more time outside with the bugs than indoors. While they might seem like a simple nuisance, mosquito’s can carry the deadly virus malaria, which is why bug spray is crucial.

Oct 27th 2014 Safety Jane

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