Don't Drink The Water In Sochi, Russia

Don't Drink The Water In Sochi, Russia

Last week, we talked about some of the concerns of Olympic snowboarders regarding the safety of the halfpipe course at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. With the temperature rising above and beyond what organizers had expected, the halfpipe was melting and refreezing, creating a dangerously hard surface.

But this is just one of the many controversies surrounding the Olympic games. Journalists are now using social media to place some of the Olympic horrors in the limelight, including the dreadful brown-colored water from a Sochi hotel (picture shown to the right). Common sense should tell you that water isn't supposed to look like apple juice. While there's been no official tests performed on the water, we could only speculate as to what kind of bacteria and chemicals are lingering inside.

Stacy St. Clair of the Chicago Tribune is responsible for taking the notorious Sochi brown water photo and publishing it on her Twitter account. Upon arrival at her hotel in Sochi, St. Clair noticed there was no running water, at which point she brought this to the attention of staff members. It wasn't long before the water was back up and running; however, the murky brown color indicated that something was still "off."

St. Clair snapped a photo of the brown water and published it to her Twitter account along with the following: "Water restored, sorta. On the bright side, I now know what very dangerous face water looks like."

Joerg Reuter, a German photographer and journalists said the following:

"The outdoor area and floors/staircase/elevator inside were still under construction and completely dirty. There was no light in the main room, the water out of the tap was yellow/brown, the air conditioning, TV, kitchenware were all not working. In some rooms you actually saw that there are still the construction workers sleeping and living."

We really don't know what's inside the brown water photographed by Stacy St. Clair. If I were staying in Sochi, however, I would probably stick with bottled water after seeing this photo.

Of course, brown water isn't the only concern by journalists at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. There are dozens of other horror stories floating around on social media, some of which include unfinished hotels, construction workers sleeping in visible locations, exposed electrical wiring, questionable plumbing, and more.

How do you feel about Russia's planning and preparation of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below!

Feb 18th 2014 Safety Jane

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