Does Your Job Require You To Stand on Your Feet All Day?

Does Your Job Require You To Stand on Your Feet All Day?

Standing for long periods of time can promote foot, ankle and even back pain. The pressure of your body's weight pressed against your feet stresses the tendons and tissue. Over time, this can lead to painful, swollen feet, and in some cases it can even promote certain types of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Thankfully, however, there are some simple and effective ways for workers to protect themselves against these adverse effects.

Choose The Right Footwear

Don't underestimate the importance of choosing the right shoes or boots in which to work. If your job requires you to stand for eight or more hours a day, you need well-fitted, supporting footwear to prevent pain and discomfort. Spending the extra money for a pair of good working shoes will prove to be a smart investment in the long run.

Avoid wearing shoes that are too narrow or have too much "wiggle" room, as this will only promote pain. A good pair of shoes should contour to fit the natural shape of your foot offer cushioning support. Depending on where you work, you may also want to choose footwear  with a non-slip bottom.

Regular Stretching

Do you routinely stand up to stretch your arms and legs? If not, you could be placing yourself at further risk of foot pain and discomfort. You don't have to spend half an hour performing some complex stretching routine, as a quick 5-minute routine will suffice. Simply stand up, stretch your hands as high as they will go, then lower them down to your toes. Now twist your body from side to side and you're good to go!

Ergonomic Pads

Due to the high number of people working in jobs that require them to stand on their feet for long periods of time, there are actually pads which are designed to create a more comfortable standing purpose.

Commonly referred to as ergonomic pads or anti-fatigue mats, these pads are made with ultra soft material that absorbs pressure and force. So if you normally stand on a hard concrete surface all day long, perhaps you should try using an ergonomic pad. Place it directly in your workstation to see if it makes a difference. The soft padding should take some of the pressure off your feet, allowing for a more enjoyable work session.

Have any other tips you'd like to share? We'd love to hear them!

Sep 14th 2014 Safety Jane

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